The best part of what I do is getting to meet fabulous people all the time. One day, I received a phone call from a man with a fantastic accent (Australian, of course!). He was looking for great local lamb to have while he and his family were visiting for 6 weeks. I may have mentioned before that we raise lamb and were very glad we had some to offer him. When he came to pick up the lamb, I was in the middle of baking, and offered him lots of tastes that I had around. He decided that I must make his daughter's birthday and also provide my caramel apples for the party. When I saw that her desire was a "bat cave cake" for her Halloween birthday, I knew I was in for some fun. The cake was Chocolate Chiffon Layers filled with Pumpkin Mousse and iced with Vanilla Buttercream.
The bats are my favorite part and are made from modeling chocolate.
PS- They loved the cake, caramel apples and especially the lamb!
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